Gay Rights-VI-M

20 Oct

We face a growing problem called gender dysphoria where a boy feels like a girl in a boy’s body. It is often temporary and 90% of boys identifying as females enter adulthood as males. There is no proof they are born that way. Studies of identical twins show only 28% of cases where both identified as transgender so social and psychological factors are more important than biological ones. DNA is uniform throughout the body and male genetalia show testosterone is present in the womb and it circulates throughout body. Many identifying as transgender often suffer depression but many physicians never explore psychological aspects or explore the relation to mental illness. The suicide rate is very high and depression is present in 50% of suicides. Many attribute the depression to bullying but it is generally not. They have eight times the risk of attempted suicide and have nineteen times the death rate of the general population. They also have a high level of substance abuse. Many have been physically, mentally, and sexually abused which is associated with mental illness. We are now seeing a growing numbers of girls expressing feelings of being a boy in a girl’s body but a lot of it stems from the media which tells girls they are discriminated against as girls and from the abuse they suffer because the media paints them as sex objects.



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