Sanctity of Life-D-J

01 Oct

Liberals in Congress are pushing a bill called “the Women’s Health Protection Act” which is a total lie from the beginning. It would abolish all federal and State laws passed by voters that relate to abortion. It would repeal laws requiring the woman be informed about the risks of abortion, a waiting period, and access to information on the development of the baby. These are all required by law for any surgical procedure so the woman could make an informed consent and abortion should not be exempt. It would not protect the mother but would in fact put her in greater danger. It would repeal laws requiring the procedure be done by a licensed doctor, in a licensed medical facility, under sterile conditions, and that abortion clinics have a hospital available in case of medical necessity. Abortion providers have fought those laws for years and routinely ignore such laws until caught but with passage of this law, they would no longer have to fear prosecution. The law would also force doctors and nurses to perform abortions even if they are opposed to it, and all would be paid for by taxpayers, even if a majority oppose abortion.



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