Sanctity of Life-A-4-P

05 Aug

Democrats in Congress continue to block passage of the “Born Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protection Act” which would protect babies once they are born. While the Supreme Court ruled that the courts could not protect unborn babies since we didn’t know when life begins, it did not withhold the court’s protection from those already born. Once born, they are obviously alive and fall under the protection of the Constitution, yet abortionists continue to kill babies that survive abortions and are born alive, or leave them to die of hunger. The Constitution already protects babies after birth, but liberals don’t seem to think that laws against killing apply to them, so we have to spell it out in detail, just as we have to spell out laws that protect the mother since liberals seem to think that once a woman gets pregnant, she is no longer protected by the Constitution and the laws of this country. We would not need to pass new laws if our courts would enforce the laws we already have. Therefore it is important for States to pass laws protecting babies and their mothers until the federal government acts to curb those who conduct abortions.



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