
05 Aug

By sealing our borders and controlling who comes in, we can keep out terrorists and those who bring in drugs and women to be slaves in the sex trade. Drug dealers and those who traffic in sex slaves often use the same routes illegal aliens do to avoid capture and often pay illegal immigrants to bring in drugs in exchange for help getting them into the US. Many women who are provided transportation to the US are sold into slavery to feed the American sex trade instead of being freed once they get here. Since Mexico does not have the highly effective coast guard that we have to protect its shores, terrorists can easily slip into Mexico and then slip across the border with illegal aliens. By controlling who comes into the US, we can also stop those with criminal backgrounds who come to the US to pursue their trade. By stopping the building of the wall and promising to open a path for illegal immigrants to become citizens, President Biden is encouraging them to come. In addition, many criminals who are here illegally are allowed to remain in the US and continue their criminal activity because many cities do not turn them over to immigration officials to be deported.



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