When Hitler moved against the Jews, some churches spoke out but were attacked by politicians for doing so, as liberal politicians are doing today. Many churches chose to remain silent, as many are doing today. While many people talk about how many Jews died as the result, nothing is said about the Christians who were imprisoned and even killed because they spoke out against the extermination of the Jews. We say it won’t happen here but it already is. We don’t hear about it because the press is not reporting it. Liberal politicians are demonizing Christians just as Hitler did the Jews. Christians are being jailed and churches are being burned for speaking out against abortion and Gay privileges, as well as other government abuses. Our country was founded on Christian principles and Christian values spread as pastors preached the Word of God. However, recently liberal values have spread through our country because liberal politicians and media have been vocal about their values but the church has been silent about God’s values. We have the privilege of voting for candidates for political office but Christians cannot vote intelligently if they are not informed about issues and where candidates stand on them. Either the church speaks up now or it will be silenced for good.