Health Care-I

15 Sep

Kamala Harris is proposing a national health care system similar to the one she pushed in her home State. It would expand Obamacare to complete coverage for everyone under one system. Canada has one and it has been failing for years with delays in treatment for months for critical care and longer for routine care. Many Canadians come to the United States for treatment even though they have to pay out of their own pocket. In England a lot of people die every day waiting for emergency care and their system is so overwhelmed they have proposed supplementing the system with a series of private clinics. While proponents claims it makes care available to everyone,  it forces health care providers to get approval from government boards that weigh the cost against benefit and reject a lot of care to those who are critically ill or injured or are elderly, as not worth the cost. It results in endless delays due to layers of authorizations, and it depersonalizes care as decisions are made by government review boards and patients are seen as units rather than individuals. It is also not flexible enough to meet individual needs. While they say it cuts the cost of care to the individual, the true cost is hidden in taxes and the cost of health care increases as it adds layers of government bureaucracies.



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