Senior Citizen issues-G

14 Sep

While Democrats continue to declare that Republicans want to cut Social Security, they ignore the facts. It is the old story of accusing your opponent of doing what you are doing so people won’t notice you are doing it. President Biden has been providing Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants endangering the already threatened fund. In addition, he has cut Medicare reimbursements two times in the past two years. The only cuts to Social Security that Donald Trump wants to make is to remove illegal immigrants who did not pay into the fund and have not met the eligibility requirements. President Biden feels that supporting illegal immigrants is more important than supporting Seniors who paid into the fund their whole life. In addition, President Biden and Kamala Harris continue to push abortion which is robbing us of the future workers needed to pay into the Social Security fund to keep it solvent and available to Seniors who will continue to need the fund. Democrats drained the funds in the social Security fund to support welfare programs so it relies on funds supplied by those currently working, but abortion has killed one out of every three babies conceived and left us with too few workers to support the program. We might be helped by immigrants who come here to work, but Democrats are keeping the border open and flooding he country with illegal immigrants who are not paying into the system and forcing reduction in the number of legal immigrants that we can accept who would work and pay into the system. Unless we cut back the number of abortions and control illegal immigration, we will soon face a real crisis. Seniors need to support someone who will work to protect the Social Security fund so it will be there for Seniors when they need it. President Trump did what he could but President Biden has undone everything he did and did a great deal more damage to it.



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