Our nation was founded on religious freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution showing it was of the highest concern among the founding Fathers. In our day, it has been repeatedly violated by corrupt judges and legislators who openly scorn the Constitution. President Obama sought to force insurance companies under Obamacare to include benefits for abortions in spite of the fact that the Law authorizing Obamacare expressly forbit any provisions including abortion. He then attempted to force doctors and hospitals to perform abortions even if their faith expressly condemned abortion. Our God given right to express our faith is under attack and Christians need to stand with those who face persecution to protect their right to not violate their conscience. President Trump was able to get Congress to pass a religious freedom restoration law to ensure that it remained the law even if the Constitution was ignored. However, the federal law only applies to the federal government, not the States. As a result, 30 States have passed a similar law to protect their citizens and other States are considering them. Hobby Lobby won their case against being forced to provide drugs inducing abortions in their health care coverage as a result of the law. The fight over the law has revealed a lot about those who call for tolerance today. The laws are designed to protect Christians from being forced to go against their conscience in matters of faith. That such laws are needed shows how corrupt our nation has become. President Biden is showing his contempt for law by seeking to force doctors and hospitals to perform abortions in violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRAS) and the laws of States which have laws protecting freedom of religious belief.