
30 Jan

We are continuing to see the folly of depending on wind and solar power. Texas endured a long period without electricity over most of the State because they got an unexpected snow storm. It is extremely rare but a major problem if it occurs. Their solar panels got covered with snow and the wind turbines froze. They had not kept their regular power stations on standby to cover the interim because it is so rare. As a result, a lot of people suffered from their neglect. We need to keep regular power plants to back up and support solar and wind power. In addition, we need to realize the limitations of electric vehicles. Many cities have a large portion of their electric buses inoperable because of frequent breakdowns and the inability to get parts to fix them. M=In addition, many northern States are finding that their electric powered buses that are still running do not run well in the cold weather. In addition, we can’t just suddenly switch to all electric because we need to prepare the power grid and a lot of people don’t have the money to get them, not to mention that a lot of good gas powered vehicles would end up in the junk yards creating a tremendous waste of resources. While protecting the environment is important, it should not be pushed to the extreme where it does more harm than good.




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