Sanctity of Life-A-1-B

25 Jan

Laws of every State in the U.S. requires parental notification and permission before minors can receive any medication or medical treatment, except in cases where injuries are life threatening, abortion providers feel they are above the law. Your child’s school can not give your child an aspirin or pierce a student’s ears without parental permission, yet they routinely give students birth control pills and even transport them to clinics for abortions without notifying the parents, let alone getting their permission. In spite of the fact that it is illegal to have sex with a minor and anyone aware of such are required to report it to child protection agencies, school personnel often assist children in getting abortions and abortion clinics routinely perform abortions on minors without notifying parents or child protection agencies as required by law. Some States have been able to push through laws that specifically requires parental notification before a child can get an abortion but abortion providers have managed to get exceptions in some States where a judge can approve for a parental bypass when he feels the girl is in danger if parents are notified. While that sounds good, they then line up judges who will approve such applications without investigating the circumstances or interviewing the girl. Those judges rubber stamp the applications basically bypassing parental notification laws. Republicans have continually tried to push through parental notification and intervention laws which would explicitly require parental notification and intervention before a child can have an abortion, and would provide strong penalties for abortion providers who perform abortions on minors without parental consent and on anyone assisting a girl to get an abortion without notifying the parents. Write your Congressman today and urge them to pass a law to protect young girls from being railroaded into having an abortion.




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