Gay Rights-2-H

17 Aug

The increasing possibility of a woman finding a man in the lady’s room is causing added fear among women and parents of young girls. While it is understandable in isolated public restrooms, where there may not be many people around, it is increasingly seeping into large restrooms in heavily frequented areas. I have occasionally seen men bring their preschool daughters into the men’s rest room because they were too young to go to the toilet without assistance and their wife, ex-wife, or girlfriend wasn’t with them to assist. That is understandable, though it is a by-product of our disintegrating family structure. However, recently the frequency and age of the girls has been increasing. Recently at a large department store, I was in the restroom when a man brought in three kids, two boys and a girl. The girl looked to be about 10 years old. She apparently did not require assistance, since she went into the stall while he waited just outside it. Either he would rather bring her in the men’s room where he could make sure she wasn’t molested in stead of allowing her to go into the women’s room alone or she was afraid to go into the women’s room alone. Either one speaks of the consequences created by liberal politician’s reckless disregard for those who elected them.




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