
19 Jul

President Obama and President Biden used unilateral executive authority to bypass Congress and ignore its laws when they ordered construction on the wall stopped and ordered border agents to look the other way when immigrants crossed the border. In addition, President Obama granted asylum to illegal immigrants. He doesn’t have the authority to change the law or ignore it when he doesn’t like it. He also ordered judges to free immigrants until their trial, allowing a lot of them to disappear into the country and never show up for their trial. As a result, we have large numbers of illegal immigrants in the country and no idea who or where they are. Being illegal, they cannot easily support themselves and many of them are forced to support themselves through illegal activity. Democrats also passed the House  bill  “American Dream and Promise Act” (HB-6) which would give permanent status to all illegal immigrants brought here illegally as kids or who are under the Temporary Protection Status regardless of if they are criminals, gang members, or even terrorists. Such blanket amnesty is insane. Such actions continue to encourage illegal immigrants to come here and bring their kids so their kids can become citizens. It also encourages families to send their children so they can get citizenship. Many of those who sneak into the U.S. and surrender to border patrol agents are children who show up without any adults. Once here, they are a burden on the U.S. to feed and care for them. At the least, they should have to work for citizenship like anyone seeking citizenship, and be barred for criminal or subversive activity. Giving them blanket citizenship for illegally crossing the border rewards them for breaking the law and encourages others to do the same. We saw a drastic drop in illegal immigrants trying to cross the border when President Trump ordered border patrol agents to round them up and send them back to Mexico. However, the flow has increased tremendously since President Biden ordered the border patrol to stop sending them back.



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