Posts Tagged ‘Eastertide’

Eastertide-Apr 18

19 Apr

Eastertide is a time when we celebrate that Christ has freed us from the power of sin and death and begin to prepare to serve Him. Eastertide stretches 50 days from Easter (first day, first Sunday) to Pentecost. Jesus told His disciples to wait until they received the Holy Spirit. We cannot do it in our own strength and without divine guidance, so Eastertide is a time of seeking God’s will for us. It is not done in seclusion, but should be done through prayer with the church gathered to seek God’s will together. Eastertide begins the transition from emphasis on a serious reflection on our personal relationship with God to a joyous celebration of the resurrection of Christ by the body of Christ (His church). The church should spend Eastertide helping members draw together in unity and find their gifts.


Ascension Sunday-B

13 May

The seventh Sunday of Eastertide is Ascension Sunday when we celebrate Christ’s return to heaven. When Christ finished giving His disciples their assignment, He ascended into heaven, leaving them to carry on the work until He returns (Acts1:7-11). Many think that Jesus gave the command to make disciples just to the original twelve disciples. However, Jesus makes it clear in the parable of the talents (Math. 25:14-30) that He is talking about all who serve Him. He does not say the master gave his possessions to the head steward or to some of his servants, He says the master gave his possessions to his servants. Apparently, he distributed his possessions among all of them. Jesus was leaving His disciples and entrusted them to carry on His work. He has given everyone talents to help build His kingdom. Some have many talents, some have very few. One day those who are in Christ will stand before Him to give an account of how we used the talents He gave us. How we use those talents will determine our eventual reward. If we use those talents abundantly, He will reward us abundantly but if we squander them, we will receive little or no reward when He returns.


Sixth Sunday of Eastertide-May 9

05 May

 Of One Accord As the discipled prayed for power, they were united in one purpose.  They concentrated on the job ahead and focused their attention on what was needed.  Summer is a good time for the church to concentrate its resources on reaching the lost while children are out of school and younger workers have the time. However, many churches have lost interest in Pentecost and no longer focus on reaching the lost during the summer.   As a result, they not do anything during the rest of the year when people are often busy with school and other activities.


Fifth Week of Eastertide-May 2

29 Apr

Develop New Ministries

Our society glorifies personal accomplishments, but we are limited as we try to accomplish things alone. The church needs to take this time to help members discover where they can use their gifts in current ministries and survey the community to discover the needs around it so it can develop new ways to minister to those in need and use the gifts of those who don’t fit in current ministries. Many churches continue to put their effort into the same old ministries it has always carried out and fail to take advantage of newly discovered gifts and the changing needs around it.


Fourth Sunday of Eastertide-April 25

23 Apr

Seek Gifts– Eastertide is a time of preparation for ministry. The disciples prayed together for the power (Holy Spirit) Jesus had promised. The church should be united in prayer as we seek the gifts that God has given us and where God would have us use our gifts. Although it is a personal search, it should be undertaken together with the church, seeking guidance and feedback from our fellow believers. We need the support and direction of the body of Christ to help us locate our individual gifts because we often confuse where we want to serve (because of the prestige) with where we are gifted to serve and would enjoy serving.


Third Sunday of Eastertide-April 18

16 Apr

You shall receive power-Acts 1:4-12-Jesus’ appears to the disciples in Jerusalem-Jesus promised He would not leave them alone but would send the Holy Spirit. He promised that the Holy Spirit would be with them until He returned and would guide them and strengthen them. He then commanded them to stay in the city until they received the Holy Spirit. We are not to set out to be His witnesses until we receive the Spirit for we cannot do it effectively without the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit.



Second Sunday of Eastertide-April 11

08 Apr

He is Alive Jesus appears on road to Emmaus-Luke 24:13-35 When Jesus met two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus, they were discouraged because Jesus had been crucified. They had seen all their hopes and dreams of Jesus being the Messiah destroyed when they saw Jesus die on the cross. As Jesus walked with them, He opened up the Scriptures and revealed God’s purpose for His death and resurrection, but they did not recognize Him. As He sat down to eat with them, He broke bread and instantly they recognized Him. In the same way, we recognize the Lord and are drawn together as we celebrate communion. We often look at the task before us and feel it is too big for us. The church should draw hope from the fact that Christ is alive. He conquered death when He died on the Cross for our sins and arose again. There is no greater foe than death and if Jesus defeated death, there is nothing left for us to fear.



08 Apr

Eastertide is a time when we celebrate that Christ has freed us from the power of sin and death and begin to prepare to serve Him. Eastertide stretches 50 days from Easter (first day, first Sunday) to Pentecost. Jesus told His disciples to wait until they received the Holy Spirit. We cannot do it in our own strength and without divine guidance, so Eastertide is a time of seeking God’s will for us. It is not done in seclusion, but should be done through prayer with the church gathered to seek God’s will together. Eastertide begins the transition from emphasis on a serious reflection on our personal relationship with God to a joyous celebration of the resurrection of Christ by the body of Christ (His church). The church should spend Eastertide helping

members draw together in unity and find their gifts.