Freedom of Religion-B-O

30 Sep

The IRS is again targeting Christian organizations and denying them tax exemptions. The Obama Administration targeted conservatives and pro-lifer organizations and denied them tax exemptions.  Conservative organizations even got a court order to stop rejections for religious beliefs. President Trump ordered it stopped.  However, they have started targeting Christian organizations as well under President Biden. They are not even hiding it. A recent IRS rejection letter to one Christian organization stated that they were denied a tax exemption because they were considered a political organization since “The Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the Republican party and candidates.”  The Covid virus has exposed their hypocrisy.  Liberal States like California felt that churches must close but stores and abortion clinics could stay open. The ultimate hypocrisy was in California when it began to open some things. They said that restaurants and bars could operate at 20% capacity, but churches were not allowed to open right away and when they were, they were limited to only ten people, even if they had an auditorium that could seat 1000 people or more. Why weren’t churches allowed the same use as restaurants?  Are churches more toxic than restaurants?



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