
15 Apr

Few Americans understand how corrupt our court systems have become. We live in a country which we believe is ruled according to the Constitution and laws enacted by the people and by Congress and that the courts make sure the law is followed and interpret the law when there is a dispute. However, there is an increasing number of judges that openly defy the laws enacted by the people, by their State legislatures, and by Congress. Therefore, the Constitution provides an appeal process if people don’t feel the court has acted properly with the Supreme Court as the final court of appeal. Yet, we have  a growing problem today where the Supreme Court is ignoring the Constitution as well. Since Roe vs. Wade, there has been a growing number of judges who openly defy the law and make laws from the bench. The number of Supreme Court justices that adhere to the Constitution has steadily declined. We currently have four justices who uphold the Constitution and four who tend to ignore it unless it favors their viewpoint (almost never). The ninth judge has been a swing vote, not supporting either side consistently.


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