Freedom of Religion-F-4

11 Mar

With God we have hope when our own resources fail us. My life is a perfect example.  I did not grow up with a knowledge of God. Our family never attended church or talked about God. I had Polio and spent my early childhood on crutches. I was often told that I would never amount to anything because I was poor and crippled. I was failing in school because I saw no benefit in it. I never considered suicide, but after I was able to walk, I lived with reckless abandon, often engaging in activities that could have easily ended my life. In Junior high, I had a teacher that had Polio but had never been able to walk and was in a wheelchair. I realized that I could become a teacher if she could and sought to study hard, however I had lost so much schooling when I was younger that it seemed impossible. In high school, my grades were so bad I was told I would never graduate.  However, when some students led me to Christ I got new hope. I went on to graduate from high school, college, and even graduate school. I was only able to with God’s help because I could never have done it on my own. Since they have taken the Bible out of school and many places no longer allow it to be taught,  and many families no longer attend church, young people get very little exposure to the Word of God. They have nothing to fall back on when their own efforts seem inadequate. They won’t hear the love of God unless someone tells them.  Therefore it is important to reach out to those who don’t know God.




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