Gas Prices-H

07 Apr

When President Biden took office, he cut of construction of the pipeline from Canada  and cut back American oil production. He said it was to protect the environment but it merely transferred the problem to the countries that produce the oil and increases the risk of  pollution because the oil has to be transported overseas by tankers and runs the risk of oil spills. Pipelines are safer because the pipeline is underground and isn’t subject to storms and collisions. The only justification for shifting to overseas oil is that it sends the profits to the Arab States instead of keeping them here in the United States and Canada. In addition, the Canadians turned to China to sell the oil that the United States would not be buying, since the Canadians already have a pipeline to the West Coast, which benefits China. In addition, it hurts us because it costs American jobs and the Arab States use the profits to support terrorism. However, the biggest problem is the threat that is not obvious. When we became dependent on Arab oil, it allows them to raise their prices since they don’t have to compete with American produced oil. The Arabs are now doing that further threatening America’s unstable economy. Since we have discontinued the pipeline construction and cut our own production, we can’t just increase production to force the price down. It will take time to reopen the wells and complete the pipeline.




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