
24 Mar

A friend of mine  who is an evangelist in Russia stated that the people there are like those in Ninevah for they do not know their right hand from their left hand. That is true in America today. The media today deliberately lies to us telling us things were going well under President Obama and now under President Biden when they are really collapsing but they said things were in very bad shape under President Trump, when the country rose to the best economic condition in forty years, before Covid closed things down. President Trump was successful because he was a businessman who understood business, not a politician merely interested in getting reelected.  How can you really believe them because they also tell young people they can’t tell whether they are a boy or girl by looking at their privates, they should go by their feelings which often change daily. In Russia, the news service is called Provda, which means truth. The difference between Russia and the United States is that the Russian people know that the government is lying to them. In the United States, many people refuse to believe that the news services are lying to them. Up until 20 years or so, the news services were fairly unbiased. They were becoming slanted but still maintained some balance. It was more a matter of omission of facts than outright lies. Since then they have lost all attempts to be balanced and many articles are just political hit pieces rather than news stories. Many voters only vote for politicians based on what they will get from the government with no thought to what it will cost them in taxes and freedom. The Bible says that in the last days, the devil will seek whom he can devour, seeking to deceive even the elect, and we are seeing that today as many church people follow after corrupt politicians. Many today follow after false gods, and God has turned His face away from this land, just as He did Israel when it followed after false gods. God has promised that if we turn from our sin and seek Him, He will heal the land. However, if we do not, He will allow this land to suffer as He did Israel when they refused to return to Him.


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