Church Ministry-I-D

15 Dec

Christians wonder why so many people don’t like the church in spite of all the good they do. During the cold war between Russia and the US, both sought the favor of African and South American countries. Russia sent arms so dictators could control their people while the US sent food, yet the people rioted against the U.S. A study found that the US sent the food but left it on the dock. The Russians transported the food to the people and the people thought the food came from Russia. The Russians told the people that America was rich but refused to help them so they rioted against the US. The church today has turned Social services over to the government and para-church organizations. Since the para church organizations get their support from the community, not from the churches, unbelievers see them as community organizations, not Christian organizations. As a result, the people love the government and don’t like the churches, which they see as uncaring and unconcerned.



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