9/11 remembered

14 Sep

There were very few references to 9/11 this year. Each year there are less. Many do not realize that Sept 11, 2001 was on Rosh Hosanna. It is a Jewish holiday celebrating God’s restoration of the earth. God will not allow the evil around us to continue forever. He is very patient, waiting as long as possible so that all who come to Him can be saved, but one day His patience will end and He will return to restore the earth to the former glory it had when He created it. Rosh Hosanna begins with the blowing of the trumpet warning of God’s judgement. The trumpets blew that morning as the Jews read the Scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14. (which reads, “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” No one realized that terrorists were boarding planes to take out the twin towers and the Pentagon, but God knew and used it to issue a warning. While the terrorists were boarding the plane, trumpets were blowing all up and down the east coast. While there was a great outpouring of faith after 9/11, it was temporarily and since then, it has decreased and many have forgotten. One day Christ is coming back and if we aren’t ready, it will be too late. However, 3000 people woke up that morning expecting a day like any other day, but they died that day and their fate was sealed forever. Some will go to heaven and some will go to Hell. If Jesus comes or you die today, your fate will be sealed, you won’t get a second chance. Will you go to heaven or Hell? If God’s people obey the Scripture and turn back to God, He can still heal this land. The Jews had that choice when Christ came before. They rejected Him and faced over 1900 years of exile. What will America decide?


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