
03 Sep

The liberal left is up to their old tactic of lies and misinformation to discredit conservatives. There is a case before the Supreme Court that is not being discussed for an important reason. Liberals want to make a move and are afraid of conservative opposition. A resident of a county run nursing home wasn’t getting the care he deserved so the family sued the nursing home to get him the care. The question is whether they have a right to sue. Federal law allows lawsuits when individual rights are being violated so under the law, the family has a right to sue. The nursing home is contesting it saying the family should not be allowed to sue. The media is saying that since conservatives are opposed to individual rights, as seen in striking down Roe vs Wade, the conservative court could abolish your right to sue the government when your rights are violated. That sounds logical but is all a total lie. Conservatives are fighting for individual rights. They are fighting for the right of the baby to live against those who seek to violate that right. The mother has no right to kill the baby just because she doesn’t want it. There is no such right in either the Bible or the Constitution. Liberals want to do away with the right to life for unborn babies, the elderly, the sick, the critically ill, and those with mental disturbances because they are (In liberal terms) “a burden on society”.  Obamacare spelled it out in clear terms. A government panel would be established to determine if care was economically worthwhile. If care was determined to be not economically worthwhile, the care would be denied, and the patient would suffer until death released them. To avoid undo economic hardship caused by a lingering death, the patient could be terminated. The decision would be final and could not be overruled by the patient or their guardian. We are seeing this play out in Canada and Britain, as well as other European countries who are under liberal governments. We are starting to see this in the United States from a President and Congress who don’t care what the American people want, they are determined to force their will on the people through executive order or legislation. It is liberals who feel that they should decide and the individual has no right to decide for themselves so they will side with the nursing home in striking down the families right to sue. Liberals pose the real threat to individual liberties, not conservatives.

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