Sanctity of Life-A-4-U

26 Jun

While Roe vs Wade has fallen, the battle is not over. It merely means that the courts are free to protect unborn babies but it is up to the laws of each State and municipality. It is easier to influence State and municipal law makers than it is federal ones, but it still requires the diligence of voters to vote in lawmakers that will enact pro-life laws and judges that will enforce the laws. While some States have already enacted pro-life laws, many are in the control of pro-abortion politicians and voters will have to vote them out of office and replace them with pro-life lawmakers and judges. The abortion people will do everything they can to get around the laws such as setting up mobile vans outside pro-life States and companies that will pay for transportation to States allowing abortion.  Pro-abortion people will also use the internet and mails to ship abortion materials putting women at greater risk because they won’t get medical screening beforehand and medical supervision during the abortion. There will also be a big Black market for abortion pills further endangering women.  Therefore, it will be necessary to convince the girls that don’t want to have babies not to have sex, so they won’t need to have an abortion, or to give the baby up for adoption in cases of rape, incest, or accidental pregnancies. The bright side is that the pro-abortion people can no longer gag pro-life people in pro-life States enabling pro-life people to get the truth out about abortions and the fact that the baby is a living person. They will also be more free to counsel the girls and help them make good decisions. Pro-life people can also put pressure on companies that provide transportation and insurance covering abortions by boycotting them and letting them know that it doesn’t pay to support abortion.



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