Fifth Sunday of Easter-April 3

31 Mar

Doers, not just hearers-Matt 7:24-27  Jesus said those who hear his Word but do not do them are like a man who builds his house on sand and when storms come, the house will fall. But he who hears God’s Word and does it is like a man who builds his house on solid rock. Since God created us, He knows what is best for us. If we follow His instructions, we will prosper. If we hear His instructions, but do not follow them, we build on a very shaky foundation and when trials come, our house will collapse because it isn’t built on God’s Word. If we hear His Word and follow it, we will be on a firm foundation and won’t be shaken when we experience trials. Men today think they know better than God but the world they built will collapse when trouble comes, as it must. We need to return to the way God told us.  In the same way, preaching alone does not change people. Jesus spent 3 years teaching the masses but they did not automatically become disciples because His preaching told them what to do but did not show them how. Jesus chose twelve disciples and they followed Him. They watched Him as He lived out what it means to love God and those around them and they learned how to live a life pleasing to God as they watched Him. They then went out and selected seventy others who they trained as disciples. Too many churches are filled with spiritual babies because the church relies on preaching alone.


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