
09 Mar

We should be concerned about the environment because God gave us the world and everything in it to manage, and we and our children have to live in it, but we should do it wisely and not recklessly. While liberal politicians push radical climate initiatives, they do it with no thought to what problems it will cause. They push their agenda regardless of whether the voters support it knowing the voters don’t pay much attention to what they are doing. The media pushes helping the environment and many voters accept it without asking for specifics. Many liberal programs are destroying the economy without producing much benefit in cleaning up the environment. While America has cleaned up about 98% of its pollution, the cost of pollution controls has driven a lot of the manufacturing overseas where they do not have the cost of pollution controls. The pollution is still pouring into the atmosphere, it is just someone else’s responsibility. Current goals to clean up our pollution will have little effect on the environment while increasing the burden on industry and driving more manufacturing overseas. The United States only produces 2% of the world’s pollution and even if we cut it in half, it will only reduce the world’s pollution by 1%. The United Nations climate initiatives, which the current administration supports, place heavy penalties on the United States to force it to clean up its environment but places no penalty on China and India who together produce over 50% of the world’s pollution. If they cut their pollution by 98%, it would reduce the world’s pollution by 49%. That would help a great deal. It would also help level the field in manufacturing by requiring them to shoulder the cost of cleaning up their environment, the same as American companies do now.



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