
27 Jan

Some time ago, President Biden referred to “the Great Reset”. I had never heard of it and thought he was just referring to his efforts to remake America. Recently I found out more about it. Apparently, it is the title of a book that came out several months before the outbreak of Covid-19 in China. It talked about a future pandemic and how to use it to seize control of the economy. It accurately described an outbreak similar to Covid-19 and how to handle it. The goal of dealing with the pandemic was to shut down small businesses and consolidate industries into large monopolies which can be controlled by the government, similar to what China has done. China realized that socialism is self-destructive since people won’t work without some personal benefit, and socialism doesn’t provide any. Russia and just about every other socialist government have eventually had to reintroduce some free enterprise to stave off their country’s collapse. China has developed a series of for-profit monopolies carefully regulated by the government to provide the stability needed to sustain their socialism. Liberals in Congress know that Americans will not willingly turn over total control to the government and so they are working to extend the government’s control of the economy through its emergency powers. They have succeeded in destroying the economies of the States they control but do not control every State, so they are trying to accomplish it through the business shutdowns and vaccine mandates imposed by the federal government.



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