Gay Rights-1-C

27 Jan

In response to the Supreme Court decision in 2015, the Social Security Administration extended survivor’s benefits to survivors of beneficiaries who were in same sex marriages. In 2021, it further extended benefits to survivors of same sex unions who were not married but who claim they would have married if they had been able to. Almost one out of ten social Securities recipients receives survivors benefits, many of them are minor children who have lost a parent who received Social Security. Social Security was designed to help the elderly who could no longer work and those dependent on Social Security beneficiaries who lost their support due to the death of the recipient. The Social Security fund is already threatened with becoming insolvent due to raids by Congress on the fund for other purposes. Extending it to a large number of people who could marry, solely to get Social Security benefits, or even worse, to extend it to people who could claim a relationship that doesn’t legally exist, is to further endanger the people who depend on it. Congress needs to enact a law requiring those receiving survivors benefits to be legally married to or a direct dependent of a beneficiary.




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