New Year’s Day

31 Dec

Not Christian-While New Year’s Day is not a Christian holiday; many Christians will celebrate it somewhere, where better than in church. Many unbelievers will be out drinking and dancing to erase the memories of the past year and celebrate the coming of the new year. New Year’s Eve is a good time for the church to gather in preparation for the new year. Some churches begin with a dinner, than a worship service, then games and fellowship as they wait for the New Year. Others begin with a dinner, than play games and fellowship until almost time for the New Year when they have a worship service to usher in the New  Year with praise for His blessings in the past year and prayer for guidance and direction in the new year. Whatever you do, let it be a time of joy and anticipation, recognizing that God forgives the past sins of those who seek Him, is our present help, and our future hope. It is a time to remember past blessings and pray for the future for we do not know what the future holds.

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