Gay Rights-V-B

20 Oct

The Ohio House has introduced House Bill 454 “The SAFE ACT” (Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act) which would ban the practice of administering puberty blockers and cross sex hormones to “gender transition” children and would ban transgender surgeries on children who are too young to understand the implications of transitioning. Hospitals, schools, and Planned Parenthood facilities are pressuring families to put their children on these procedures which are experimental and dangerous. They leave  many children permanently sterile and often causes permanent disfigurement. Children are too young to understand the meaning of sexuality, yet 85% of cases are based on the child’s self-diagnosis. Parents and medical personnel are often reenforcing their feelings and promoting these dangerous procedures instead of helping them work through their feelings. That is not only abdicating the parent’s responsibility to protect the child, it is medical malpractice on the part of medical personnel who are sworn to bring healing and do no harm.




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