Succoth- Sept 20-27-B

30 Sep

While Succoth remembers the wandering in the wilderness, it had a deeper meaning as well. It came at the end of the string of holidays and was a feast after the final harvest of the year.  It foretells the end of the tribulation during which God will gather the final harvest before He sets up His kingdom and restores His rule over all of creation. The tribulation will end with Yom Kippur which foretells the final dividing of the “sheep” (faithful) and the “goats” (unfaithful). Succoth was a kind of celebration that they had passed the test and were acceptable to God and would enjoy Gods blessings in the future. In the same way, the marriage supper of the lamb, foretold in Revelation 19, will include all the saints in heaven as they celebrate the uniting of Christ with His  bride (the Church) and look forward to enjoying the blessings of God for eternity.  The Church has no similar celebration except Christ the King day which occurs the last Sunday before Advent and celebrates the return of Christ, however very few churches celebrate it.


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