M-F Relations-A

22 Sep

Liberals are pushing for including women in the draft. They say women should have equal rights. There is nothing stopping women from joining the military. Many women have served in the armed forces, some with distinction. That is their choice. It is attractive now because it provides college scholarships which enable women to get college educations and career training. It is however, very hard on women with children to leave them behind while they are stationed overseas. It is hard enough with the husband stationed overseas and the wife left at home. Many women serve in support roles far from the fighting and contribute important support for men in the field. Many also help with medical units close to the fighting but not actually in it. While women have served in combat, in the Air Force, where they can come home to segregated housing, it is a different matter with ground combat. An army in the field cannot provide segregated housing for men and women under combat conditions. In addition, women are forced to face men in combat who are bigger and stronger then they are and who will show them no mercy. We are seeing this in Afghanistan in treatment of civilian women and other places where women are not valued. The increasing number of women in combat has caused rape and sexual harassment to skyrocket. Command officers, often men, often turn a blind eye to reports of rape and sexual harassment leaving women unprotected . Women should not be forced into the armed services, and especially into combat roles.


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