
09 Jul

While voters will not agree with everything the politician votes for, they should at least support his core values. Politicians today have divided over two main questions that should be uppermost in the voter’s mind. Conservatives generally believe that life has value, regardless of what it can contribute to society while liberals believe that life only has value when it can actively contribute to society. The other value is the rule of law and who is in charge. Conservatives feel that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are central to our form of government and the people have the final word in policy decisions through their vote. Liberals seem to feel that being elected authorizes them to make decisions for the people and the Constitution and the nations laws are merely guidelines that can be ignored if they get in the way.  They feel they are free to go against the will of the people on policy matters, if they feel their way is better. Those who vote for them either feel the politicians know better how to run the country than they do or don’t care.


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