
03 Jul

The Supreme Court just ruled against attempts by liberals to overturn laws requiring quick deportations of immigrants spreading disease that the health department feels are a risk to the country. Liberals have established sanctuary cities, counties, and even States that refuse to cooperate with immigration officials in deporting illegal immigrants who commit serious crimes and recently have been hindering attempts by the immigration dept. to deport those spreading disease. Recently, the Biden administration has extended sanctuary status to the whole country by dragging their feet in deporting illegal immigrants. Liberal attempts to prevent deportation encourage immigrants to attempt to enter the U.S. feeling they will not be deported. That is causing a serious crisis at the border because so many are attempting to enter that the border patrol can not process them all. The flood of immigrants at the border is also allowing Mexican gangs operating along the border to slip in with the immigrants. As a result, Mexican drug cartels are operating openly inside the U.S. border causing a serious threat to citizens who live along the border.



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